Become an API3 affiliate

We are keen to engage individuals who can support the expansion of our community and ultimately make introductions to DeFi protocols requiring price oracles.

Overview of onboarding

To become an affiliate you must have a basic understanding of oracles and how DeFi Protocols utilize price feeds.

Specifically we are looking for referres that are able to commit to a quick onboarding process:

  1. Onboard to the API3 ecosystem and digest dAPI documentation and product information.

  2. Understand your target audience to be able to identify DeFi protocols that require oracles.

  3. Engage potential users independently and coordinate with the API3 on technical aspects of the integration.

We have prepared materials to ensure a smooth onboarding process, but we still require some upfront commitment for participants to become successful referrers.

Get started as a referral partner

You must register to become a partner of API3 DAO and be able to submit referrals. Interested participants must complete the registration form at

If appropriate API3 ecosystem team will reach out to arrange a call with the API3 team to run through your application.

Successful registrants will have a further onboarding call to run through the program and the materials to help them communicate dAPIs accurately. It is expected that you will dedicate some time to understanding dAPIs so that this can effectively be communicated.

Once all these steps are completed referral rewards can be submitted.


Please see key resources for starting:

The above features a number of videos, beyond this there are many materials within the API3 medium or documentation that can help you understand more about API3's solution.

Last updated